19 September, 2011

APB arrests 2011 09 05

APB Arrest Video
2011 - 09 - 05/06

Starring: page10, MARTIN7777, menabeh77, vanatas, Taylor2121, xBlackStar, jacor, Ekko, GidriD, slapd4sh, Cakanzii & slulau.

Took way to long to put this one together, had come issues with open shot and the .ogg files produced by APB... That's why most of the videos are sped up, whenever I cut them the video would be distorted (at best!). I found converting them to webM _before_ editing reduced this problem. So hopefully the next one will be both quicker and smoother.

Mums (The Butt Flowers)

Video created using:

04 September, 2011

APB arrests 2011 09 02

Arrests from 2011 09 02 with bonus zombie glitch.

Starring: gedoc23, KamKam & KITA1410.
Not to mention fellow enforcers yana, FUCK, Enigmas, PandaCat & 12Finland1.

Nice "dancing zombie" glitch at the end.

02 September, 2011

Arrests from 2011 09 01

Got superguyfail28 and NaperPanpa here.

Also included a clip with a couple of enforcers i worked with (S2virgem & DeaThMeaT pulling a nice 360 for us)... fun crew.

and of course the one that got away again.

Song is: "Tusk" by "6 Day Riot"

29 August, 2011

The Duck is back.

Alright, might have been a bit premature pulling the plug on this one. I've been playing around with different capture resolutions and the highest allows me to see text from in game.

Damn... Can't add video from this anemic mobile client. Well the video will be in the next post then.

25 August, 2011

24 August, 2011

Last Post?

Well it looks like the video quality on my machine is low enough that you can barely make out that I'm arresting people, but there is no chance of taking names :(

Anyway I've made this compilation of the videos I have so far.

Suppose I'll have to blog something else then... (to be continued).

Oh yeah... couple of things in the video:

There is an arrest where a hot white car screeches to a halt just in front of the guy I'm arresting. That whole crew were an awesome team to work with and I'll love to give them a shout out here, but as mentioned above, I can't read there names. Bummer.

Also the guy who shot my last arrest was a team mate... probably trying to give me supporting cover, but that bastard still took away my arrest!